Sunday, January 20, 2013

2 Runners, 2 Styles

This weekend we set off for another long run, but this time in differing directions. Though we both share a love for running (especially together), our runs this weekend are pretty indicative of how different our training (and racing) style really is.

Jordan ...

Is more of a spur of the moment, run when and how he feels type person. He's known for exploring during his impromptu long runs that can last for hours (really it's hard to say when he might return). He is not much into training plans, workouts, technology and rather enjoys "racing himself into shape." He would race every weekend if given the opportunity. Jordan is not afraid to jump into a race that he is not adequately prepared for (i.e. some of his longer ultras) and has the mental capability of slogging through and/or running well in adverse conditions.

For example, today Jordan set off on a hilly and adventurous long run down into (and back out of) Ellett valley - no real course, distance or pace in mind. Rather, he explored new roads, took in the gorgeous scenery and came home when he felt ready (he ended up running 20+ miles).

Jordan's scenic long run in the valley.


Is much more analytical and strategic in her training and races. She has specific races she likes to train for and prefers to follow a set plan with set workouts and paces in mind (though she has been known to be flexible at times). For long runs, she would rather run multiple loops of a set distance than find herself a far distance from the house and enjoys the company of her Garmin and Ipod. She pays a lot greater attention to the little details like recovery, strength training and nutrition. Kristen prefers to pick a few key races to train for each year and would rather avoid races she is not prepared for (though Jordan sometimes convinces her to do them anyway).

For example, today Kristen set off for a very much planned 22-miler where she enjoyed three loops of the same course with specific paces in mind for each one. She enjoyed sticking to a flatter, more predictable course with the aid of her Garmin to keep her on pace and music to keep herself motivated.

Kristen post long-run w/ specific (flat) route and paces in mind.
And of course proper post-run nutrition & stretching :-D
While we can be quite different in our training styles, we're both happy, healthy runners and balance each other out. Some days our styles clash (Jordan thinks Kristen's training is too structured while Kristen thinks Jordan's is too laid back), but learning to mesh our approaches to running has been a helpful exercise in finding the same balance in other areas of our marriage :-D

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